IMPORTANT! Giant Eagle is now requiring the Case GTIN for warehouse items!

All Warehouse New Item or Shipper submissions must include the GTIN if that barcode type is printed on the external case. The GTIN is a 13 digit code with a check digit in the 14th position. As with all barcode submissions, the check digit should not be included on the submission form. The first digit is in the range of 1-9.

Previously, we requested that Warehouse New Item/Shipper submissions contain a UPC representation of the case barcode. This may have meant that submissions would truncate a GTIN to remove the leading digit (1-9) and any leading zeros. Discontinue this process and include any leading digits.

GTIN is not required for Cross dock /SPTS or DSD submissions. Case UPC should still be entered if that barcode type is printed on the external case. Include a barcode image or specifications sheet with all submissions to ensure accuracy.

Commitment to Data Integrity

High quality vendors, products and data are building blocks for success. Our New Vendor and New Item forms are designed to facilitate complete and accurate information. Incorrect information delays order entry, receiving and timely payment. Forms submitted with missing or incorrect information will be returned to you without Giant Eagle processing. When you complete any of these forms, email them to your Giant Eagle Category Team Member.

Always ensure that the UPC code is correct and in the correct format. Never include the check digit. The UPC code is an integral piece of data and drives many Giant Eagle information systems. An incorrect UPC code impacts every facet of our relationship, from ordering to vendor payment to customer purchase. UPC samples and product samples are required for new items.

If you have questions about the forms, reach out to your Category Team Member.


Accurate unit and case UPC codes are critical to the efficient operation of Giant Eagle information system. Click on the links below for a refresher on the types of barcodes and how to read them.

Product Barcodes Instructional Video

Product Barcodes Fact Sheet

Product Barcodes Instructional Document

Form Instructions

  1. Click the appropriate link.
  2. Download the form to your computer.
  3. Complete all required fields.
  4. Email completed form and required supplemental documentation to your Category Team.

New Supplier Form

If you wish to become a Giant Eagle vendor/supplier, contact Giant Eagle corporate headquarters and request a meeting with the appropriate Category Team. You may either call 412-963-6200 or use this form. After your initial conversation, download the appropriate form and email it to the Category Team. Any questions that you have can be answered by the Category Team.


New Supplier Form Form

Forms for Grocery, Dairy, Frozen and Health and Beauty

Correct and complete item information is crucial to the efficient processing of your product. Be sure to include UPC samples, product samples and any supplemental information that is required for your product type. Incomplete forms or missing information will cause the form to be returned to you without Giant Eagle processing.

Warehouse New Item Downloads

Warehouse New Item Form

Warehouse New Shipper Form

New Crossdock/Specialty-Put-To-Store Item Form

DSD New Item Downloads

New DSD Item Form

New DSD Shipper Form

Cost Change Downloads

Cost Change Form

Other Giant Eagle Department New Item Forms

These specialized forms should be used by the specified Departments.

  1. Please click the link to the appropriate New Item Form below
  2. Download and save the New Item Form to your desktop/computer
  3. Complete all required fields on the New Item Form and save the file ensuring the UPC # of the new item is in the file name
  4. Email the completed New Item Form to your buyer/category manager for review

Disclaimer: The new item forms may change without notice. In order to avoid processing delays always download the latest copy just prior to submitting a new item to ensure all required data is accurately captured.

New Item Form Help/Support: If you are having difficulty downloading or filling out the forms contact your category team or use this form for help.

Other Forms